Almost Believable Pure Bullshit

"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"

6 June 2023

Yesterday, Apple (AAPL) released a major new product: Vision Pro, an augmented reality headset. This revolutionary product lets a user see the world through completely different eyes.

It took the audience by surprise when developer Billy Bob DeSantis, a distant cousin (by marriage, generations ago) of Florida's far-right anti-Disney governor, demonstrated the first of many new apps for Vision Pro: Virtual Republican.

The app lets anyone see the world through, you guessed it, Republican eyes. When a correspondent from CNN put on the headset and started running the app, his world changed immediately, going from rich color to black and white.

Chaos seemed perfectly normal and accepted. Most of the largely liberal Apple audience somehow looked familiar: suspected pedophiles on the show "To Catch a Predator." Blacks appeared to have tails, and openly gay Apple CEO Tim Cook appeared to be wearing a rainbow-colored shirt in stark contrast to the otherwise greyscale world. The correspondent was quite taken aback and had to be reminded he was only temporarily a virtual Republican.

The developer claimed any perceived bias or prejudice in his app came entirely from survey data captured by ChatGPT using artificial intelligence. AI is generally accurate but has been known to "hallucinate" occasionally.

When the CNN reporter looked in the mirror, his facial features were distorted, and there was a Glock 9mm pistol strapped to his hip.

When a reporter from Fox News put on the Vision Pro running Virtual Republican, absolutely nothing changed except the software painted a virtual target on people it identified as woke. A fellow from the Wall Street Journal had a similarly uneventful experience.

DeSantis said the new app would run 15 mintues each day as a free demo, but the paid version would be unlimited. He said if his cousin Ron becomes President in 2024 that he would make the app free to everyone.

It is unknown how many of Apple's largely Democrat customer base will be interested in Virtual Republican, but they are hopeful that more games will come to the new Vision Pro platform.

Apple has temporarily blocked Virtual Republican from its App Store until the hallucinations are fixed.

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