photos by Doreen & Joyce

01_BIS Under 12 in Royal Rage.jpg
02_Best Standard Collection.jpg
03_Best in Show Rob's Galiwinku.jpg
04_Best Gerneriad S. 'Falling Stars'.jpg
05_Best Non-Bloom Ges Primulina 'Loki'.jpg
06_Best Lyon Greenhouses Royal Rage.jpg
07_Best Species S. ionanthus subsp. grandifolius.jpg
08_Best Novice.jpg
09_Best President's Challenge AV.jpg
10_Best Blooming Gesneriad.jpg
11_Best in Design.jpg
12_Best Dish Garden.jpg
13_Best Dish Garden Close Up.jpg
14_Best Interpretive Plant Arr.jpg
15_Best Novice Arrangement.jpg
16_Best Novice Arr Close Up.jpg
17_Best Terrarium.jpg
18_Deb at LLG_Use.jpg
19_Chenile Plant at Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses.jpg
20_Hanging AV Trailer at LLG.jpg
21_Angela Trudy and Joyce in Bkgrnd.jpg
22_Judges conferring.jpg
23_Judges and Clerks.jpg
24_Judging the show.jpg
25_Busy Judging.jpg
26_Lyon's Pirates Treasure.jpg
27_Sweet Tea.jpg
28_Midget Memories.jpg
29_Educational Table Close Up.jpg
30_Educational Table Light Garden.jpg
32_Angela's Hidden Treasures.jpg
33_Cindy's Hidden Treasures.jpg
34_Natural gardens.jpg
35_Angela's Natural Container Garden.jpg
36_Joyce's Natural Container Garden.jpg
37_Ruth's Natural Container Garden.jpg
38_Angela's Terrarium Special Award.jpg
39_Angela's Terrarium Close Up.jpg
40_Joyce's Terrarium_2.jpg
41_Nancy's Small Precious Treasures.jpg
42_Joyce's Dish Garden.jpg
43_Antheflores Raphael.jpg
44_Circus Fascination Close Up.jpg
45_Humako Tineka.jpg
46_President's Challenge Explanation.jpg
47_President's Challenge Gesneriad_Group Photo.jpg
48_President's Challenge Rhapsodie Ingrid.jpg
49_Kohleria Ampallang.jpg
50_Deinostigma tamiana flower bud.jpg
51_Primulina 'Moonlight'.jpg
52_Sinningia Gabriel's Horn.jpg
53_Sinningia Party Doll.jpg
54_Streptocarpus Dale's Smokin Hot.jpg
55_Blossoms of Lovestruck.jpg
56_Cool Teen Sport.jpg
57_Evening Descent.jpg
58_International Close Up.jpg
59_Irish Lullaby Close Up.jpg
60_Jade Tiara.jpg
62_Orchard's Bumble Magnet.jpg
63_Prancing Pony.jpg
65_Rob's Smarty Pants.jpg
66_RS Ariel.jpg
67_Shirl's Blushing Baby.jpg
68_Runner UP BIS Under 12 Roller Rink.jpg
69_Court of Honor.jpg

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