Have Fun

while you learn

how to cook!

Meet new

people in

the kitchen!

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Thanks! This class has opened up a whole new world to me.
Carolyn M., West Hartford, CT

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Almost as much fun as a Party!
We have been "seasoning cooks" since 1983. The numbers are staggering: over 150 courses, 500 classes, and 2,000+ students in towns all over central Connecticut.

Bread/Baking Classes (click for info)
These classes have always been our bread and butter! Our chef has trained literally thousands of students from beginner to advanced. Few activities are as rewarding as making bread from scratch! It is, after all, "the staff of life."

Cooking Classes (click for info)
First apartment? Out on your own? Engaged or newly married? Shopping in the frozen food isle? These classes are designed specifically for budding cooks and are based on the concept that you should know how to feed yourself and your family wholesome and tasty freshly cooked meals.

Private Classes (click to contact us)
Our chef also offers private classes tailored to your skill level. From beginner to enthusiast, we can help kick your kitchen skills up a notch with professional tips and techniques. We offer flexible scheduling, and you can share classes with a friend or two. Give a private class to the foodie in your life!


Read our Press Release

Early 2017 Classes:
Baking Classes
   - Fresh Made Pretzels
   - Assorted Dinner Rolls
   - Fantastic Sticky Buns
   - Great Flatbreads
   - Portuguese Rolls
   - Sourdough
   - Breads of Europe
Cooking Classes
   - Pasta Basics & Beyond
   - All Star Celeb Dinner

Catalogs Available:
• Farmington
   (click for info )
• Simsbury
   (click for info )
• West Hartford
   (click for info)

Celebrate West Hartford:
• Thanks to the dozens of our
   students who stopped by the
   LifeLearn booth to say "Hi"
   (click for photo)

Party to Cook   |   West Hartford, CT   |   860-614-7465